Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fly High !!

Unfold those mighty wings of feather
Doesn't matter if you don't like the weather...

Take off right now
And advance, as far as the dream leads you on...

Welcome every obstacle with a warm smile
And look how this helps you progress miles...

Whenever a strong breeze is in your way
Just close your eyes and think how adventurous will be your day...

Always see yourself reaching the target
With an ease of a bullet...

Ever dare to dream aye
And just eye and fly high !!

Image courtesy : Ali Tehrani


  1. nice one :) dream and aim to fly high.. well written!

  2. thank you for your valuable comment :)

  3. gt to take positives frm this poem...nice inspiring and yes if we try then obviosly we wd excel one day despite of the difficulties that arrive on the way!

    nice lines!

  4. thank you once again for your comments...
    I've got loads to learn from you...
    You made my day !!
    thanx :)

  5. really a nice pattern of writing
