Monday, May 17, 2010


There are times when I feel the urge to express in words, but often there exists spurs of conflicts in my mind as to what has to be expressed? During most of the time my mind refuses to express at all with so many thoughts occupying my mind at once. But one thing is for sure, life is full of emotions, so which one of them deserves the expression ?

When I'm given the choice of emotional expression(in words), I can do two different things. Firstly, if I'm happy, I can compose a poem relating to my current state of happiness and secondly if I'm sad I can compose a poem reflecting my misery. When I express my sadness, all the unwanted emotional load will be vented out in sometime, but if I choose to express joy at that point of time, I will be totally carried away to a whole knew different stance, because of which I'll feel lighter inside. Here the result is common in both the cases but I prefer the stance rather than venting out. Because venting out is just to think, think, think only about the issue which made me sad and feel all the more sad whereas the stance takes me elsewhere giving me a break from my miseries.

So I conclude that I will always continue expressing in words in comfortable, "feel good" kind of emotions irrespective of the current state of my emotion. And I will express(in words) "not so comfortable" emotions when I don't have anything else to do.

Now tell me how would you like to express?

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Someone unknown
Tailormade qualities
Recklessly befriends her
Astir's her mind
Navigates into her life
Gambles with future
Earns her trust
Rakishly leads life

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Answers will come..

I'm scared and confused
Lost in the darkness of this reality
Trying hard to seek light

Skeletons from the past haunting me
Love for a better future nurturing me
Where do I look ? Where do I set foot?

Since my dreams were shattered
I have struggled to move on
Now the situation has come back
As if to mock me

My future is yet to become certain
Making it harder to rely
I am now in the midst of ambiguity

I hate this dilemma
Because I survived the past
And was ready to start anew

Why should anything come back when its gone for good?
Especially now, when I'm unsure about my future
Its mean though, how life picks such vulnerable moments to hit you

But somewhere deep within
I know there exists a spark
To consume this darkness

And I am aware
Sooner or later
All the answers will come to me

Until then, all I ask for is
Strength, strength to remain intact
And to live a fulfilling life for today

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Affirmations

  • I am a magnifiscence in human form
  • I love, care and nurture myself
  • I am happy, confident and respect myself
  • I accept myself the way I am
  • I am healthy and my body is functioning very well
  • I am wealthy and I am receiving wealth from multiple sources
  • I am beautiful inside and out
  • I am my friend
  • I am loved by my family and friends
  • Love comes to me effortlessly
  • I commit myself for loving and being loved
  • I love and be loved
  • I am blessed
  • I am enjoying the clarification of my life's purpose
  • My life is simple and easy
  • I am receiving all the attention that I deserve
  • I am making better decisions everyday
  • All good things and good people are coming to me
  • I am finding great oppertunities all around me
  • The Universe is meeting all my needs immediately
  • I am at peace and one with myself and all
  • I am enjoying a career that I am passionate about because it is giving me happiness, security and freedom
  • I am being appeciated at work
  • All my prayers are being answered
  • I am attracting all that I want like a magnet
  • I give freely and receive freely
  • I make a positive difference in the world and I am
  • I am attracting true love and romance into my life; my soulmate
  • I am irresistible to my partner
  • I accept everything with calm and grace
  • I am successful in all that I do
  • Everything is getting better everyday
  • My family and friends make me happy
  • I have an attitude of gratitude
  • God provides me for everyday in everyway